About me

I am a computer science student at TU Dortmund. My studies allow me to delve deeply into the world of computer science, enhancing my understanding of complex systems and algorithms. In my free time, I am passionate about working on various projects to expand my practical skills and deepen my knowledge.

I have a particular interest in areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analysis. Through my projects, I have the opportunity to apply these interests in practice and develop innovative solutions to real-world problems. These practical experiences complement my theoretical knowledge from my studies and prepare me optimally for my future career in computer science.

What i'm doing

  • design icon

    Study CS

    My gateway to the digital realm, where I decode the codes of the future and prepare myself for a world full of technological possibilities.

  • Web development icon

    Software Development

    High-quality development of any application software

  • mobile app icon

    Cross platform mobile app

    Development of applications for iOS, Android and Web (coming soon).

  • camera icon


    I enjoy reading books and engaging in other activities.



  1. Technical University of Dortmund

    2020 — ongoing

    Specialization in Software Development and Artificial Intelligence. Relevant Courses: Algorithms and Data Structures, Machine Learning, Databases, Operating Systems

  2. Eduard-Spranger-Berufskolleg · General University Entrance Qualification

    2017 — 2020

    Mathematics and technical computer Science as advanced courses. OOP in Java. Database engineering with MariaDB. Projects with Arduino and PCF8574. GNU/Linux and Bash command line usage.

My skills

  • Java
  • Kotlin
  • C
  • Python
